ProCiné-DESSIN en Français

Terms and Conditions

Area of intervention:

Lyon Community
benefits for all durations

Valencia, Chambery, Grenoble, Saint-Etienne, Macon, Geneva
benefits for at least one day (6h)

All destinations France & Europe
benefits for at least three days (18h)

benefits everyday depending on availability*, from 8am to 7pm , except Sundays and Holidays

(net hourly wage)

39€ / H

- meaning a real cost of 35,49€ after tax deduction or tax credit  - **


99€ sitting of 3H

- meaning a real cost of 30,03€ after tax deduction or tax credit  - **


189€ a day, 2 x 3H

- soit un cout horaire réel de 28,66€ après déduction fiscale ou crédit d'impôt  -

549€ for 3 days, 3 x 6H
- soit un cout horaire réel de 27,75€ après déduction fiscale ou crédit d'impôt  -

Transportation Cost:

  Lyon Community
(courly and  surrounding communities
Fuel package of 6€

Actual costs as described by the official mileage tax schedule,
Refund of tickets (train, bus, plane, subway, taxi etc ...)

adding the time spent during driving or transportation, at a rate of 15 € / H

Parking cost:

If no free parking is available near the point of care, provide support for parking fees


Intervention in metropolitan France: Chèque Emploi Service Universel (Employment Regulation for Universal Service Check)
Intervention in any other place: means of payment to be defined together

 Fuel  Package payment by check or cash.

You didn't have any Checkbook for "Chèque Emploi Service Universel" payments?
It's very simple ! just go to your French bank and complete the membership form with your credit counselor.

Payment to each end delivery


The courses are a sideline to the work of the teacher - Vincent COPERET - which is storyboarding for the film industry and involved in several educational institutions in the specialty.

Accordingly, places are limited and students selected by their motivation.


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